Market Snapshot
Quotes are delayed, as of March 31, 2025, 08:26:02 AM CDT or prior.
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Ag Commentary
Soybeans Trading with Monday Morning Gains -
The soybean market is up 5 t0 6 cents so far early on Monday. Futures posted gains of 6 to 9 cents across most front months on Friday, as May was up Cotton Weaker to Start Monday Trade -Cotton price action so far on Monday morning is showing 20 to 31 point losses. Futures closed with Friday losses of 18 to 24 points, as nearby May Wheat Holding Steady to Start Monday Trade -Wheat is showing firmer trader so far on Monday morning, with contracts trading slightly on either side of unchanged. The wheat market closed with Hogs Fade Lower on Friday -Lean hog futures were creeping lower into the Friday close, down 30 to 40 cents across the nearbys. The USDA national average base hog negotiated Cattle Bulls Slip-up on Friday -Live cattle futures slipped lower on Friday, as front months were down 70 to 95 cents. Cash trade was slow last week, with most action settling in Corn Leaking Lower Ahead of USDA Reports -Corn futures are down ½ to 1 ½ cents so far on Monday morning. The market closed the Friday session with contracts up 2 to 4 cents in the front Full commentary... |