Market Snapshot
Quotes are delayed, as of January 18, 2025, 05:16:39 PM CST or prior.
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Ag Commentary
Hogs Fall Lower on Friday -
Lean hog futures fell back 65 cents to $2.22 on the Friday session, with Feb slipping down $1.425 on the week. The national average base hog Corn Rally into 3-Day Weekend -The corn market rallied on Friday with the nearby contracts up 8 ¼ to 10 cents and other contracts 1 ¼ to 3 ¾ cents higher across the board. Cattle Close Mixed on Friday -Live cattle futures settled the Friday session with contracts up 22 cents to 40 cents lower. February slipped back down $2.025 from last Friday. Wheat Firms Ahead of the Long Weekend -The wheat market closed out the Friday session with contracts steady to slightly higher. The Chicago SRW market was fractionally higher to 1 ¼ Soybeans Rally Back Higher on Friday -Soybeans posted a rally ahead of Monday’s inauguration. Contracts were up 10 to 15 cents in the nearbys, with new crop contracts up 3 ½ to 7 ¾ Cotton Posts Friday Gains -Cotton futures settled Friday with contracts back up 54 to 87 points across the board. March cotton ended the week up 59 points. The outside markets Full commentary... |