Market Snapshot
Quotes are delayed, as of December 08, 2024, 08:47:51 AM CST or prior.
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Ag Commentary
Cattle Close Mixed Despite Cash Strength -
Live cattle futures closed out the Friday session with contracts down 25 cents to up 62 in some deferreds. Cash trade settled in this week around Hogs Post Strength to Close the Week -Lean hog futures settled the Friday session with contract sup 17 to 97 cents, as Feb was up 42 cents on the week. The national average base hog Cotton Slipping Lower on Friday -Cotton futures posted 84 to 103 point losses on Friday, amid some outside market pressure. March was down 182 points on the week. December cotton Wheat Closes with Mixed Trade on Friday, but Gains on the Week -The wheat complex posted mixed action across the three markets on Friday. Chicago SRW futures were fractionally to 2 ½ cents lower, with December Soybeans Close Friday on a Mixed Note -Soybeans shook off the early losses on Friday, but closed with the front months steady to ¼ cent higher and other contracts down 1 ¼ to 2 ¾. Corn Rallies on Friday -The corn market put on a rally ahead of the weekend as contracts were up 2 ½ to 5 cents across the board on Friday. March was up 7 cents on the Full commentary... |